July 1st Landlords 3x Rent

July 1st Landlords 3x Rent Rule: Key Changes and What It Means

As of July 1, 2024, a major change in rental regulations in California will take effect, impacting both landlords and tenants. This new rule will stop landlords from requiring tenants to have an income three times the monthly Rent, also known as the “3x rent rule.”

The purpose of this change is to make the rental market more accessible, especially for people with non-traditional or fluctuating incomes, like freelancers, gig workers, or those with lower earnings. This new rule has been introduced to help more people secure housing in a market that has often been challenging for many.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the July 1st Landlords 3x Rent Rule, how it affects landlords and tenants, and how to prepare for it.

What Was the 3x Rent Rule?

The “3x rent rule” was a common standard used by landlords across the U.S., including California, to determine if a tenant could afford to rent a property. It simply meant that tenants had to prove they earned at least three times the monthly Rent in income. For instance, if the Rent were $2,000 per month, the tenant would need to demonstrate an income of $6,000 per month.

The rule was designed to protect landlords by ensuring tenants could comfortably pay rent while leaving enough for other living expenses. However, the rule has often been viewed as outdated, as it created barriers for many people who had the financial ability to pay Rent but did not have a steady income.

Why Is the Rule Changing?

The elimination of the 3x rent rule is part of a broader effort to make housing more accessible to a wider range of people. Many critics of the rule argued that it unfairly excluded people with irregular or non-traditional income sources, such as:

Freelancers and Gig Workers

Freelancers and gig workers, like those who drive for rideshare services or create art online, often face income that changes from month to month. This means one month, they earn a lot, and in the next month, they could earn very little. Because of this, it can be hard for them to follow the 3x rule, which says they should earn three times the rent amount to qualify for housing.

Even if they have enough money saved or can pay Rent, landlords may still turn them away. This situation makes it hard for these workers to find a stable place to live, even though they are responsible and can pay their bills.

Low-Income Earners

People who earn low or fixed incomes, such as those who work in minimum wage jobs or are on a fixed pension, often struggle to find places to rent because of strict income rules. Even if these individuals manage their money well and can afford Rent, they are usually told they do not meet the requirements to rent a home. This can lead to frustration and feelings of hopelessness.

They might live in less desirable areas or cramped conditions. It’s unfair because many of these people are hardworking and deserve a good place to live. The 3x income rule does not consider their financial situation properly.

Students and Young Professionals

Many students and young professionals who are just starting their careers often do not make enough money to meet the 3x income rule, even if they have saved money for Rent. For example, a recent college graduate may have a job that pays well but not enough to reach that three-times rent requirement.

Sometimes, they rely on help from their families or scholarships to pay their Rent. This can lead to a struggle when looking for housing because landlords may overlook them based on their income alone. This can make it difficult for young people to find suitable places to live while they build their careers.

Minority Communities

Research has shown that the 3x rent rule has had a bigger negative impact on minority communities. Many families from these communities face challenges when trying to rent homes because they often do not earn enough to meet the strict income requirements set by landlords. This makes it harder for them to find safe and affordable housing.

Discrimination can also play a role, causing even more barriers for these families. As a result, many may end up living in poorer neighbourhoods or facing homelessness. It’s important to recognize that housing should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their income or background, and that this rule needs to change.

The removal of this rule aims to create a more inclusive and equitable housing market, allowing more people to qualify for rentals based on a fuller picture of their financial situation.

How Will Landlords Adapt to the Change?

With the 3x rent rule gone, landlords will need to adjust their screening processes to evaluate tenants more holistically. Below are some of the ways landlords can adapt to the new rule:

Credit Score Checks

Landlords often look closely at a tenant’s credit score when deciding whether to rent to them. A credit score is a number that shows how good someone is at handling money. If a person has a high credit score, it usually means they pay their bills on time and are responsible with their money.

This is important for landlords because it helps them see if a tenant will likely pay their Rent each month without any problems. Landlords want to make sure they are renting to someone who will take care of their payments, which is why a high credit score can help a tenant stand out.

Rental History

A tenant’s rental history is like a report card for how well they did in previous places they lived. When someone applies to rent an apartment or house, landlords might ask their former landlords if they paid their Rent on time and followed the rules. This helps landlords understand if the tenant is responsible and reliable.

If a tenant has a good rental history, it means they’ve been trustworthy before, which makes landlords more likely to rent to them again. Having a solid rental history can give landlords confidence that the tenant will be a good fit for their property.

Employment Verification

Landlords want to make sure that tenants can pay their Rent every month. Even though they might not always require tenants to show that they make three times the Rent, they still want to confirm that the tenant has a steady job or source of income. This means that the tenant earns enough money regularly to cover the Rent and other living expenses.

Landlords may ask for pay stubs or contact the tenant’s employer to verify that they have a reliable income. This helps landlords feel secure in their choice, knowing the tenants will be able to pay their Rent consistently without any issues.

Security Deposits

A security deposit is a sum of money that tenants pay to landlords before moving in. This money helps protect the landlord if the tenant damages the property or doesn’t pay Rent. In California, there are rules about how much a landlord can charge for a security deposit. For an unfurnished apartment, it is usually limited to one month’s Rent.

If the apartment is furnished, the deposit can be up to two months’ Rent. Landlords may ask for this deposit to ensure they have some financial protection in case something goes wrong during the rental period. It’s a way to help both the landlord and tenant feel safe in their rental agreement.

Benefits of the New Rule for Tenants

The removal of the 3x rent rule brings a number of advantages to tenants, especially those who may have struggled to meet the previous income requirement. Some of the key benefits include:

Greater Access to Housing

More people will have the chance to rent homes or apartments that they could not afford before because they did not make enough money. This change is very important for people like gig workers and freelancers who may not have a steady paycheck. These jobs sometimes mean that people earn money in different amounts each month.

By making it easier for them to find places to live, we can help ensure that everyone has a safe and comfortable home. When more people can find affordable housing, it also helps communities grow and thrive because people can settle down and contribute to their neighbourhoods.

Less Stress About Income Requirements

The stress of meeting high-income standards will be reduced. This means that people who want to rent a place to live won’t feel so worried about not making enough money to qualify. They can apply for housing without the fear of failing to meet these tough income rules.

When people are not stressed about income requirements, they can focus more on finding the right home for themselves and their families. Less stress can lead to happier lives, allowing people to feel more secure in their living situations and helping them concentrate on their jobs or studies without the fear of losing a home.

More Accurate Financial Evaluations

Landlords will now look at more than just how much money a tenant makes when deciding who can rent their property. They will consider other important factors like credit scores and rental history. This means they will see a more complete picture of how likely a tenant is to pay their Rent on time.

Credit scores show how well someone manages their money, while rental history shows how they acted in their previous homes. By combining all this information, landlords can make fairer decisions. This change helps ensure that more responsible tenants get a chance at good housing, making the rental process better for everyone involved.

Challenges Landlords May Face

While the rule change is good news for many tenants, landlords may face some challenges as they adapt to the new regulations. Some of these challenges include:

New Screening Methods

Landlords will have to change how they choose tenants. Since they can’t use the 3x income rule anymore, they need to look at other things to help them decide who to rent to. They will focus on important details like credit scores, which show how well a person pays back the money they owe.

They will also check rental history, which tells them if the person paid their Rent on time before. Lastly, landlords will ask for references, which are people who can vouch for the tenant’s character and reliability. This means landlords will have to work harder to find good tenants.

Increased Risk

If landlords can’t use income as the main way to choose tenants, they might face more problems. Renting to someone who doesn’t have a steady income could mean they might not pay their Rent on time. This is a big deal because late rent payments can make it hard for landlords to pay their bills.

If tenants keep missing payments, landlords might even have to start eviction cases, which means the tenant would have to leave the property. This risk makes it very important for landlords to check who they are renting to carefully.

Adjusting Lease Terms

To ensure their financial security, landlords might have to change their rental agreements and lease terms. This means they might add new rules about how and when tenants should pay Rent. They could also require tenants to have a co-signer or pay a bigger security deposit.

These changes are to help protect landlords in case a tenant doesn’t pay their Rent. It’s important that these new rules still follow the law, so landlords will need to learn about the latest laws and follow them closely.

What Should Tenants Do to Prepare?

As tenants prepare for this rule change, there are several steps they can take to improve their chances of securing housing:

Improve Credit Scores

Improving credit scores is very important for anyone who wants to rent a home. Credit scores are numbers that show how good someone is at paying their bills on time. To improve their credit scores, tenants can do a few simple things. First, they should always pay their bills on time. This includes Rent, utility bills, and credit card payments.

Late payments can hurt a tenant’s credit score. Second, tenants should try to reduce the amount of debt they owe. This means paying off loans or credit cards whenever possible. Having less debt makes landlords more confident that tenants will pay their Rent. If tenants work hard on these things, their credit scores can go up, making it easier for them to rent a place.

Prepare Financial Documents

When looking for a rental home, tenants should have their financial documents ready. Financial documents are papers that show how much money someone makes and how well they manage it. Tenants should gather bank statements, which show how much money they have in their accounts. They should also have proof of income, like pay stubs from their jobs, which show how much money they earn each month.

Additionally, references from previous landlords can help. These letters can tell the new landlord that the tenant was responsible and paid the Rent on time. Having these documents ready will help landlords feel more confident in choosing a tenant.

Maintain a Good Rental History

Having a good rental history is very important for anyone wanting to rent a new place. A rental history is a record of how well someone has done as a tenant in the past. To show that they are good renters, tenants should ask their previous landlords for reference letters. These letters can say nice things about how responsible and reliable the tenant was.

For example, the letter can mention if the tenant always paid their Rent on time and took care of the property. A strong rental history helps build trust with new landlords. When landlords see these good references, they are more likely to rent to the tenant.

Future Implications of the July 1st Landlords 3x Rent

The elimination of the 3x rent rule in California could have long-term effects on the housing market, potentially influencing similar changes in other states and cities. Some potential outcomes include:

Increased diversity in housing: With more people qualifying for rentals, the housing market could become more inclusive, allowing people from diverse backgrounds to access housing opportunities they were previously excluded from.

Market stabilization: With more people able to rent, the housing market may stabilize, with fewer vacant units and more people finding homes.

Better access to jobs and schools: Easier access to housing could allow people to move closer to better job opportunities or schools, improving their overall quality of life.


The elimination of the 3x rent rule, set to take effect on July 1, 2024, represents a significant change in the rental market in California. This new rule is expected to make housing more accessible to a broader range of people, particularly those with non-traditional or fluctuating incomes.

While landlords will need to adapt to new tenant screening methods, the overall goal of the rule is to create a fairer and more inclusive housing market. By evaluating tenants based on a fuller picture of their financial health, the rental market can become more equitable, benefiting both tenants and landlords in the long run. If you also want to read about Celebrating chilaquiles then visit that post.


Why is the 3x rent rule being removed?

The rule is being eliminated to make the housing market more inclusive, allowing people with fluctuating or non-traditional incomes to access rental properties more easily.

How will landlords screen tenants without the income requirement?

Landlords will rely more on factors like credit scores, rental history, and employment verification to assess whether a tenant can afford to pay Rent.

Is this rule only for California?

Yes, this specific change applies to California as of July 1, 2024, but similar regulations exist in other areas.

Can landlords still require security deposits?

Yes, landlords can still ask for security deposits. The maximum amount is capped at one month’s Rent for unfurnished units and two months’ Rent for furnished units.

How can tenants improve their chances of securing a rental?

Tenants should work on improving their credit scores, gathering references from previous landlords, and being prepared to provide financial documentation that shows they can afford the Rent.

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